Unlock Your True Purpose - Create Impact.  Wake Up Happy, Healthy + Abundantly Wealthy. Doing What You Love - No Apologies!

Have you longed to create a positive impact on the world? Imagine being part of a heart-centered coaching community that feels like home. Our certification program supports you in waking up each day feeling happy, energized, and deeply in love with life. We provide inspiration through a proven step-by-step coaching methodology, offering daily SOULutions and actionable steps. Learn how to successfully support yourself and clients, to leading to a more connected, abundantly empowered, and purpose-driven life, their way.

Then its time for you to ..


ONLINE from the comfort of your own home ..

Immerse yourself in a thriving global community of 1000+ heart and soul-centered coaches, where authenticity is celebrated over perfection. Your unique 'life story' becomes the catalyst propelling your coaching work, client outcomes, and workshops.

In this certification training, unlock potent methods that empower you to make a positive impact on the world. Receive practical SOULutions, methods, and four comprehensive 28-day coaching programs you can offer as powerfully life changing 3-6month coach offers as soon as you complete the certification.

These programs are designed to facilitate meaningful transformations, leaving clients — and yourself — feeling more connected, grateful, joyous, and overflowing with love after each session.

Witness the inspiring ripple effects as clients gain the confidence to step into optimal health, fulfilling careers, dream relationships, and lifelong creative endeavors. Elevate their self-care, energy levels, mindset, moods, and overall health and well-being

The greatest adventure & purposeFULL career of your life awaits! Are you ready ... ??

OUR 2025 APPLICATIONs are NOW OPEN (till Feb)


Whatever the reason you have ended up here today, I believe it wasn't simply by chance. Becoming a Soul Coach is a deep calling from within. 

Experience a profound awakening to your true self, a curiosity about who you were born to be. Feel the resonance of coming home, accompanied by an intense, passionate yearning to lovingly transform the lives of others.

For years, or perhaps your entire life, you've been the go-to person for advice, always caring and giving. Now, you're poised to elevate your impact. Whether you're a seasoned healer, a creative, or a coach, the quest for deeper insights, clarity, and empowerment for your clients propels you forward. You seek structure with personalised 1:1 and group programs, classes, workshops and retreat content, a consistent flow of clients, financial freedom, all infused with heart and soul.

Soul Coaching® is your ally in this journey and more. It empowers you to guide your clients to awaken their truest purpose and potential, unveiling the path to a more fulfilling life.

Dive into the transformative realm of Soul Coaching®, transcending the confines of conventional life coaching fixated on 'outward success' goals. It's neither therapy nor your typical life coaching experience.

Soul Coaching® guides you on an introspective journey to the core of your being, tapping into the sacred space within. This process enables you, and your clients, to connect with your wisest most empowered self, realigning life with the profound mission of your soul.

This unique approach stirs our deepest desires and soul-fueled goals, setting the stage for life to truly ignite in our favour, ushering in magnetic synchronicity.

Not bound by any specific religion, Soul Coaching® draws inspiration from Native American principles, emphasising a profound connection with our inner nature and wisdom. Here, we recognise that our lives on this earth are sacred gifts, each imbued with a liberated and unique purpose, and which Kyla will support you to #pressplayyourway as a Soul Coach to live and lead liberated, whild and free as you.

Our Professional Certification Program empowers you, the Soul Coaching® Practitioner (SCP), with an array of coaching methods, four distinct 28-day programs, and structured workshops for both group and one-on-one sessions. These methods are effective whether conducted in person or with distance clients.

Even if you're new to professional coaching, you might possess the qualities to become an outstanding Soul Coaching® Practitioner. We prioritise kindness, compassion, and non-judgment in our practitioners, and the rest is honed through experiential processes and a wealth of training materials.

Our trademarked system is not only highly effective but also versatile, offering practitioners a diverse range of modalities to achieve desired results in their clients' lives.


Kyla is an International Master Soul Coach, Trainer, Facilitator, and expert on 'Pressing Play on Manifesting Your Greatest Business, Culture, and Life.'

Over the last fifteen years, Kyla, an accomplished Soul Coach, has collaborated with a diverse range of clients, including workshop participants, schools, universities, governments, and renowned corporations like Apple Inc, Canon, Disney, Volkswagen, and Blackmores. Globally, she has worked extensively with individual clients, employing the transformative practice of Soul Coaching® to cultivate self-compassion and kindness.

With a well-established track record, Kyla has played a pivotal role in guiding individuals towards manifesting their dream businesses, lives, and relationships. Through Soul Coaching®, she empowers people to confidently embrace their authentic selves, leading to personal and professional success. In her journey as a Soul Coach and wellness consultant, Kyla has engaged in various activities, from organizing retreats, workshops, 1:1 and group coaching programs, podcasts, and events, to facilitating sacred circles and 12-month in-house wellness programs. She has grown a social media following of 55k+ and a MeetUp community of 33k+. Kyla has also run her own Healing Centre and conducted numerous in-house workshops for corporates, education, the community sector, and SMEs.

She coaches a diverse array of clients, ranging from CEOs and Venture Capital Firm Founders to Film and TV Directors, leaders launching podcasts, stressed-out business owners and parents, healers creating 6-figure offers, women wanting to have children, highly sensitive kids, at-risk teenagers struggling with ADHD, and clients aiming to manifest their dream relationships and lives. She provides Employee Assistance Program services for businesses, ensuring her expertise spans the entire coaching spectrum.

Kyla believes that her career has traversed various coaching avenues to support and guide you, as a student, in launching the most aligned coaching business of your dreams.

In her role as your Soul Coaching® teacher, Kyla's mission is to facilitate your journey towards self-love, happiness, and the discovery of your unique creative spark and purpose. Together, you will translate these insights into tangible and enduring success as a Soul Coach, contributing positively to the world. Your voice and approach, uniquely yours, become the melody, mission, and purpose you were destined to share with the world.

Amidst numerous trainers who merely convey information, Kyla believes in the transformative power and integrity of embodying the principles of becoming a Soul Coach. Her experience in this approach will support you in transforming your life and dreaming even bigger.


"The refreshing clarity that came to me from working with a soul coach was a sensational experience. I started to take time and feel genuine joy and happiness. All of the old negative thoughts of people or experiences I was carrying around have dissolved away and I feel a complete sense of freedom. There are not many people you say were born to do what they do but Kyla was." KYLIE, CORPORATE TRAINER

"Kyla has a contagious positive energy. She is vivacious, warm, encouraging and compassionate. I seeked out her Soul Coaching just before I made a huge transition in my life and she helped me regain my power, faith and control of my life. Using all the many tools from talk therapy, crystals, and guided meditation regression, she helped me let go of pain and suffering I had held onto for years." ROSIE, FOUNDER NUDE YOGA + RELATIONSHIP COACH

"Soul Coaching® has been a beautiful and transformative experience. The journey allowed me to understand myself better and identify ways to move myself towards greater inner and outer happiness and awareness. This journey gives you a refreshed perspective on your life, purpose and being. It is a beautiful experience that everyone owes themselves. Thank you." KELLIE, EVENTS MARKETING MANAGER


We believe in you, your unique voice and ability to serve who you were born to coach and that inside you are the keys to building ever increasing magnetic abundance, income and impact. We also KNOW that to succeed at anything in life we need to surround ourselves with those who have already arrived at the place of our coaching dreams. As well as doing this herself, Kyla has also chosen to bring into our training team Kathryn Ottobrino, an amazing Soul Coach and Spiritual Business Coach. Over the last 9 years Kat has built a thriving coaching, workshop and retreat business and will ensure each of you walks away from this training immersion equiped with the greatest the tools to create and build a soulful business that supports you and your life dreams.

Many years ago, trapped in an unrelenting cycle of her own anxiety, depression and constant negative thinking, Kat really struggled to find purpose in her corporate sales career. When she finally found the courage to take a leap of faith and answer her soul’s true calling, all elements of her life started to come into alignment, and she began to experience success of a whole new magnitude. Now setting her sights on sharing this embodied wisdom she supports female spiritual entrepreneurs and leaders to experience the same incredible success and joy that she has been able to cultivate herself – by turning your budding business dreams into profitable, successful, loveable ventures. Kat is super passionate about helping soul coaches to create financial freedom and cultivate a healthy relationship with money, being able to experience next level abundance so that you can be, do and have anything you desire in you life. She is a rule breaker, which we LOVE, with a deep passion for living life on her terms and in a way that fills her soul up every single day - giving other women (and men who choose to join our #pressplayyourway certification adventure) permission to do the same, and share your coaching truth, empowerment and power with the world, while still experiencing all the luxuries, or simplicities, you love most.

Our BUSINESS strategic focus is all about working WITH YOU to CREATE the ideal foundation, structures and magnetic abundance, for a well lived life, YOUR WAY. Meaning if you desire a full time experience like us, then by all means GO FOR IT, though if a side hustle, hobby is your jam, then let's CREATE this, and if you are JOINING us to embody all of this into your LEADERSHIP corporate life, then we've got the pathway just for you too.


"It's an absolute pleasure to work with Kathryn one on one. She gave me a path to energetic alignment into my business. She takes the time to actively listen to my story, my vision and goals for the future in my business and held up a mirror to the things that needed adjustment as they weren't serving me. Sorting the mess in my head allowed me to create a clear and concise plan. Kathryn promotes success on a purpose level, not just financial. We implemented a step by step plan of how to start to move things in the right direction. Always so responsive with support, always checking in and always inspiring. I would recommend her to all of my friends. So much value and clarity to be gained from her." ROXANNE LEBRASSE

"With Kathryn's guidance I launched 2 workshops (sold out) and learnt to brand, market, and launch an online program. I had the most amazing 2 day 'Immersion' session with Kathryn and did her phenomenal '28 days to launch' course. She helped me clarify my strategy and focus on what to do / how to do it by creating a clear plan for 2020. I love her 'no excuses approach' and intuitive style. She helped me to get over my fear of being seen and I haven't looked back since. She has that most amazing heart and her enthusiasm will rub off on you!! If you are looking to upscale your business, your skills, and actually create the impact you KNOW you were put here on earth to do AND create an abundant life while doing it then work with Kathryn, I highly recommend her." MARY CATHERINE McNENA PATHAK

"An eye-opening, transformational journey experiencing tangible change in myself and my business in only months. Kathryn guided me in such an honest and raw way, helping me to experience the flow of energy through my business and not to over-question or be so black and white! She gave me so many tools which helped me transform from uncertainty, scepticism, and loss of direction, to success, business wins, and an insightful way forward. I developed new ideas, new strategies, that allow me to continue to grow and flourish. and was able to excel my business and grow into something I had never dreamed possible making my dreams reality. She always showed up with unwavering commitment and grace. Our conversations were always fun and so incredibly valuable." JEN BULLERS


Soul Coaching® is a magical pathway that allows you, and your clients, to “hear” the yearnings of our soul. It is a proven methodology designed for anyone seeking phenomenal spiritual, mental, emotional and physical cleansing, renewal and transformation.  

- It's a system that aligns one's inner spiritual life and dreams with their outer life - - It's a way to flush out the mental and emotional clutter that holds us back from hearing our life's true calling - - It allows us to listen to what's inside so we can discover who we are truly meant to be -  

  Having clients ask themselves, "what is the most important thing in your life right now?"  

They are often met with thoughts of uncertainty, conflict, confusion, overwhelm, doubt or maybe they just can't think of an answer. But that's OK, this is the exact question I asked myself over a decade ago and the gift we can offer you, and your clients, is that ... 

Soul Coaching® ignites a deep rememering of our purpose, and who we were born to be.

The process we take clients through reminds them that all the answers, to all of lifes greatest questions, are already inside of them. As a Certified Soul Coach you will know exactly how to guide your client to find the answers. Allowing clarity to rise, and their truest desires and dreams to become clear so that they can easily create the roadmap. Taking the steps with certainty, freedom, faith and trust.


Denise Linn is the founder of the International Institute of Soul Coaching® and has been called "America's best-kept secret." For the last three and a half decades she has pioneered the Coaching and Healing industry traveling to the far corners of the world speaking to standing-room only audiences of thousands. Her spiritual journey began as a teenager when she had a near-death experience after being shot by an unknown gunman. The revelations she received on the "other side" and the subsequent amazing healing of her wounds led Denise to eventually become an internationally respected healer, writer, teacher and creator of Soul Coaching®.

Distilling the information and wisdom she gained from indigenous cultures around the planet— the aborigines of Australia, the Zulu in Africa, the Maori of New Zealand (where she was given the title of tohunga), as well as from her own Native American roots, she designed and created this sacred SOUL infused coaching modality based on all these proven transformational methodologies.  

She trains and allows only the most qualified and talented coaches to share her work in the world. Since discovering this work Kyla has dedicated her work and life everyday to embodying the pricinpals of Soul Coaching®, designing new and creative ways to share this work within the mainstream and corporate world. She is one of only three trainers gloablly to have studied and completed the pre-requisitise of 4 levels of certification trainings to become an Advanced Master Soul Coaching Trainer.  

 "Working with a Soul Coach™ can transform your life forever. In addition to having the skills of a life coach, a Soul Coach™ goes a step further and guides you to embark on a spiritual sojourn into the depths of your soul to discover the truth about yourself and your life. When you do this your energy increases and your entire life vibrates with life force energy and vitality. In addition to being compassionate and wise human beings, these remarkable individuals are some of the finest coaches in the world."  Denise Linn Founder, Soul Coaching® International Institute  

(Picture: Kyla Tustin & Denise Linn)  


The ICF Global Coaching Client Study found that after engaging in coaching 86% of companies made back at least their investment. Of those...

28% saw an ROI of 10 to 49 times the investment.

70% of clients reported that coaching provided a positive improvement in work performance.

19% saw an ROI of 50 times their investment.

Next ONLINE Soul Coaching® Practitioner Training

Kyla's intimate ONLINE trainings are by application ONLY to ensure each of you not only receives the highest level of transformation and training, but that you are surrounded by like minded, heart wide open, empowered souls ready to be the change alongside you. FYI its sure to be life changing, and to fill up all your senses, as we totally reCHARGE every area of your life. Some participants have called it" the most wonderful heart filling, soul centred discovery experience of their life!" and yes you also walk away from this 9months together a CERTIFIED Coach.  



How much does it cost?

Once your application is approved, we’ll guide you step-by-step through an exciting, transformative certification journey. Our programs are carefully designed not only to equip you as a confident and compassionate Soul Coach but also to empower you as a successful business owner. Imagine building a thriving, heart-centered business with ease—one that aligns with your purpose and generates a return on investment with as few as 4 clients or a single workshop.

To support your success, we offer flexible and personalised payment plans, ensuring this investment works for you. Program packages range from 1,111 monthly (744 USD / 684 EUR) to 8,888 AUD upfront (5,900 USD / 5,500 EUR). This investment opens the door to a business and life that is purpose-driven, financially abundant, and fulfilling. Your future as a Soul Coach awaits—are you ready to step into it?

How do I know it's for me?

The best bit of all this don't need to KNOW .. on your first zoom call with Kyla you will experience a life changing Soul Journey. As your mind gets out of the way, your soul who knows your deepest truth will share wisdom about if this is your next best step and this way you will know if its a full body HELL YES or there is another 1st step more aligned. After 15 years as a Coach and Business Coach for Soul Coaches and Healers Kyla's dedication within her certification programs is to have you walking away ignited within your unique voice as a Soul Coach, facilitator and business owner. And the support doesn't end with the training, you will also receive ongoing support post classes with her annual Business Academy and monthly group calls.

What about timezones?

For our 2025 online intake will be running in two timezones so where ever you are in the world you will be able to attend out LIVE classes. We will also be running an 8 Day in person reTREAT style certification in Australia and Europe in 2026 send us an email if you would like to be put on the waitlist about this.

Does my location matter?

As this is an online class you can join from the comfort of your own home. The only requirement is that you have effective WiFI for zoom video and are in a private and quiet place for our live trainings to be able to share openly.


As a Soul Coaching® Practitioner you will hold an authentic, honest, accepting and compassionate space for your clients. You are doing sacred soul's work.

As Soul Coaching® Practitioners, we know that our clients are naturally intuitive and resourceful, and we understand that each already has all the answers he or she needs. It is our job to create a safe nurturing space for our clients to discover their knowledge while we listen with our heart. Soul Coaches are trained in a specific coaching process that creates the safe space for people to feel heard, and to then be able to listen to the whispering of their own soul’s message.

 Our graduates have the opportunity to become some of the highest paid, most sought after coaches in the industry. Provided with the skills and tools to take this work into corporations. You may also choose to take up the offer of ongoing comprehensive business coaching and access to expert support from global leaders. Allowing you to successfully launch your business globally in many different coaching industries, fields and demographics.  


Soul Coaching® Money making journey
Grow your Soul Coaching® Business and certification
Unlock your purpose and potential today as a coach
Grow your Soul Coaching® Business and certification
Soul Coaching® Money making journey income and impact
Soul Coaching® Money making journey income and impact
Grow your Soul Coaching® Business and certification
Soul Coaching® Money making journey income and impact

Your clients will discover unique ways too ... 


Clear their MIND and get focused on who they want to BE and the key areas of focused transformation that will radically change their life.


Breaking through fears and EMOTIONAL limitations to empower, motivate and inspire their days, authentically connecting with self and others.


Wake up with PHYSICAL energy, vitality and the accountability to stay committed daily and seeing real results


Tapping into the infinite wisdom, courage, passion and confidence of their SPIRIT and soul. Ready to covercome any challenges.


Release, reset and redefine beliefs and behaviours which are sabotaging true intimacy, love and connection.


Step outside their business and career comfort zone and into new levels of magnetic abundance and attraction

This Online Soul Coaching® Cerification training will teach you unique systems, skill sets, methods and programs. Plus everything else needed to become a successful Soul Coach. 

Our Online certification program is an 9 month interactive + immersion with 100+ hours of training. Guiding you through our 28 day programs, and how to use our various coaching methods, strategies and tools.  

Our 240 page practitioner manual is just one part of your training materials, including all four of the different 28 days programs. It also contains many audio files, created by Denise Linn for you to use with your clients during your work with them. You also will have access to even more materials in our professional cloud service, with more meditations, images and other tools can be found to make your work with clients even easier.  

There are a number of specific Soul Coaching® workshops that you will have the complete outline for holding with groups, which can then lead to one on one clients.  

The following is a short list and extra details of some of the life-changing, powerful processes and techniques you will be learning and gaining access to CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD


"Becoming a certified soul coach through Kyla has been such an enjoyable and life-changing experience. Kyla creates a supportive and collaborative ongoing business support network as well which helped me get established and develop my business which has been an invaluable part of the training which I highly recommend."

I have found the soul coaching community, led by Kyla, and the access to the tools and resources she provides to be transformational for me and instrumental to me establishing my mindset and soul coaching business and niche market. I moved quickly to establish my business after certification (in March ) and developed and ran my first workshop within two months of certification. 

 I feel I have found my calling -and it all started with Kyla’s (and Denise Linn’s founder of soul coaching) vision for this work).  

MELINDA BRODIE Mindset and Success Coach, LUMINATE LIFE 


You could be part of this MASSIVE opportunity in the coaching industry, an industry that keeps growing year after year. 

A survey by Manchester Inc. of 100 executives found that coaching provided an average return on investment of almost six times the cost of the coaching.  

Bersin& Associates, LLC Survey: "Our research shows that organizations that have a strong senior leader and cultural support of coaching have superior results. For example, organizations in which senior leaders “very frequently” coach had 21% higher business results. Further, organizations with “excellent” cultural support for coaching had 13% stronger business results and 39% stronger employee results."

  • Worldwide, 6 in 10 coaches showed an increase in clients at the rate of $200 – $500/hr 
  • Most coaches predict a further increase in fees, clients, hours and revenue in the coming 12 months  
  • A recent study of Coaching in a Fortune 500 firm by MetrixGlobal reported a 529% return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business. 


Embark on a transformative journey with our Immersive Online Soul Coaching® Training, where we will guide you to:

  • Awaken Inner Peace and Illuminate the Soul: Uncover the serenity within and illuminate the essence of your soul.
  • Embark on a Life Assessment: Delve into a profound assessment of your life, identifying the pivotal turning points that have shaped your journey.
  • Discover Your Spiritual Allies: Connect with the powerful allies that guide and support you on your spiritual path.
  • Overcome Recurring Fears: Release victim-thinking and seize control of your destiny, breaking free from recurring fears.
  • Live a Heart and Soul-Led Life in the World: Learn the art of harmoniously living a heart and soul-led life while navigating the challenges of the world.
  • Create a Vision Seed Map: Empower and manifest your greatest future by crafting a Vision Seed Map.
  • Awaken Your Full Potential: Experience the profound awakening of your full potential through powerful Soul Journeys that reveal messages from your Spirit guide, animal totem, or higher self.
  • Understand Past Lives and Release Unnecessary Patterns: Gain insights into how past lives may be influencing your present and liberate yourself from patterns that no longer serve you.
  • Integrate Elemental Allies: Harness the benefits of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth as powerful allies in your life.

This immersive training is not just a course; it's a soul-enriching adventure that will empower you to navigate life with renewed purpose and spiritual clarity. Join us on this transformative journey, and let's illuminate the path to your most empowered and soulful self. Your destiny awaits—ignite the spark within!


If you’ve ever found yourself, or clients, asking the below questions know that you are not alone.  

This Soul Coaching Certification Training will help you (and train you to then help clients) get the answers to these questions from within by clearing the cutter of your mind and igniting a place within you filled with complete clarity, confidence, awareness and truth.. 

  • What is the purpose of my life? 
  • What are my values? 
  • What am I meant to do in my life?  
  • What blocks my freedom and financial abundance and how can I overcome these barriers?  
  • How can I make a positive difference in the world?  
  • What is my ultimate form of contribution to the world?  
  • How can I create a business helping others to find joy, freedom, self-love and acceptance?  
  • How can I lead a more joy-filled fulfilling life?



If you're ready to become a Soul Coach or simply have questions then book in a FREE Soul Strategy Session.

During this call we will identify if Soul Coaching® Practitioner Training is right for you and help you uncover...


Ignite your unique creative spark as we dive deep with an inward meditation journey to help you gain clarity around your greatest gifts as coach and leader.


Discover how to awaken magnetically and manifest a soulFULL, purpose-driven life, coaching business, and leadership career. How to begin filling your life with greater abundance, purpose, passion, and freedom.


Uncover the very best next step for you to make a positive impact and contribution in the world, like YOU, and start living it every day. Waking up feeling happy, content, confident and fulfilled.


Next Online Soul Coaching® Practitioner Training

Begin today a with a FREE Soul Coaching® Strategy & then Application Call