What could be different in your business if you woke up everyday knowing you get to CHOOSE the playlist and songs you PRESS PLAY on inside of your head?


How far could you, would you, will you REACH?


SoulFULL Dream Manifestation =

Creation + Consistency + Authenticity


Creating content, structure, methodologies and doing it consistently is essential to your success in the world of online, and offline, business and coaching. Its proven to create reach; increase touch points to your ideal client; build and boost know, life and trust; increase your revenue; and the elevate the positive impact you can make in the world.


It is, and will continue to be, unique to you, your message, your life, your life style and your audiences needs for transformation.


Once we support you to define what and how you are going to create in the world, be it online courses and programs, in person workshops, 1:1 coaching and consulting, key note presentations, VLOGs, BLOGs, newletters, podcasts. You will outline the ideal frequency, flow and authentic voice to create the greatest value and highest quality content for your community.


And we will have you generating months worth of high quality, repurpose able content in very little time. To start though you are going to need to create some content and structure around your first FREEBIE, which is going to have you stepping out into the world, as you. Yes, we will definitely get to chatting about lead magnets and the many online ways to connect with people however to start we want you interacting with people directly. This will increase your confidence in your ability, plus have you hearing directly from the peeps you want to support and find even greater ways to serve their needs.


Everyone always asks me how I managed to create a sustainable healing and coaching business when so many fail and i’m not going to lie to you, as well as being magically blessed in many ways, I worked really, really hard. I tried different avenues, some worked, some failed and so now its super exciting because I can share with you what was successful and you can face less stumbling blocks that I did.


Most of all I NEVER GAVE UP, and focused on fuelling my business with curiosity, acceptance, excitement, enthusiasm, enjoyment, and gratitude.


No matter how hard the days felt, or the waves of doubt that washed over me, I kept going, and continue to keep going. I reached out to amazing mentors, colleagues and friends and on my down days I asked for help. PLUS  I had a plan, now lets be clear it was a very loose plan because everything inside of me and my purpose is still growing and changing rapidly along the way. But I ensured that no matter what I stayed consistence in my ability to take action with joy, in my authenticity and most importantly in my constant honouring of my creative spark.


In this module we are going to continue igniting your unique creative spark and have you spreading your message of love and wisdom far and wide in the world.






  • Go through the 28 Day Soul Coaching Program and Create a FREE 1:1 Session Outline, Webinar or One Hour Workshop based on an activity within the program. I talk a lot more about this in my CREATE YOUR GREAT program and retreat and so if you feel workshops are going be a big part of your business then definitely jump on board with this.


After you have created this program or session I want you to then start thinking about what your offer will be at the end of the event or time with them. Your three goals for this activity are to add epic insane value, to share the magic of Soul Coaching and then to make an offer.


Work Out + Work In Program

12 month marketing theme plan
Define Your Voice, Design Your Flow


Example 1 Crystal Healing At Home: This free 2hour crystal healing workshop was the first I ever offered. I ended up with 22 people in the room, plus I still have clients today who attended this event, and one who couldn’t come but found the poster got in touch to book a session, has since moved back to Toronto and I still do sessions with her.


Marketing Campaign:


  • Created posters on powerpoint, printed them out and went around to all the local coffee shops, cafes, community centres, and yoga studios and asked to pop up the posters.
  • I did a blurb in the newsletter of the venue which they sent out; I also put up posted in their reception
  • Set up a Facebook event and invited all my friends
  • Went to local networking events and shared about this free event
  • Emailed all the people I had in my newsletter who had, had free sessions
  • Emailed and asked friends and family to share the event
  • Wrote blogs and created energy update videos connected to the content and shared this around, had it on my website
  • Kept focused on sourcebottle request for experts and contributed alot to this
  • Got in touch with the editor of our local newspapers and wrote a press release linked to things going on in the area. This worked really well for our Teen programs … crystal healing they didn’t really jump on and so relevance is key when it comes to the media.
  • Relationship building … my first point with all people is how can I SUPPORT you, and then I ask for favours. Definitely don’t become that person who is always asking and never giving back.


What else i would do these days now the social media is so huge ..


  • Mini 30sec Facebook live offering VALUE and mentioning the workshop
  • Social media posts
  • Instagram and Facebook boosted posts OR if LinkedIn is more your market start writing blogs linked to the free event at the bottom and share these in groups. With LinkedIn its about adding LOADs of value before promoting.
  • Put the event on Meetup, Eventbrite and any other platforms that will expand your reach
  • Share the event with relevant Facebook groups … again make sure you are active in these groups before promoting. If you don’t know any, make it a point to start researching some local business, womens, community groups in your area.


Example 2 emba: When I launched our emba program with a friend in the beginning of my business we offered a free one hour taster program. In this workshop they got to experience exactly what emba was and we gave huge value in terms of the full one hour experience of breathing, movement, and meditation, detailed handouts, and a free crystal.


At the end of our taster session we offered for people to sign up for either our upcoming 7 week emba program or our 2hour workshop. Excitingly from these taster sessions we always had great sign up and I base this on the fact that we focused on adding value first, and giving them the most high level experience we could. We never did a hard sell, as that just not who we are, however as the time went on we were also able to share amazing transformational success stories with people which always helped.


To get people at the tasters we advertised in the newsletter of the venue we were holding the sessions at, we sent emails to our databases (which BTW were pretty small and still had alot of family and friends in them). We then started to email emba updates to all those that attended and ask them to share around our next free taster. And it actually got to the point that our tasters were booked out …


WHY?? We were focused on serving, we set our intentions, we did the visualisation work, we knew what the transformation was, we were clear on the path we were taking them on, we made sure every step of the way we offered HUGE value, our branding was aligned with who we were and our message and we LOVEd what we had created, we listened to what people wanted in terms of times and dates of the week and we were flexible to their needs e.g. if people would miss one week they could come along to the next program. 





  • By the end of this module we want you to have created a package, freebie, offer, program and/or date you are going to offer practice sessions or your FREE workshop to be held. Remember this can be in person, or via Skype, webinar or zoom for all online offerings. The key here is to start align with your “ideal client” and add as much value as possible, wherever and whenever possible.


  • I remember a couple of years back I was at a workshop and Jeff Walker shared, “its a privilege every time you get to share with your gifts and wisdom with anyone and have them listen or read it.” Now that i hold this in my heart i realise that every single interaction no matter how big or small, no matter if one or one hundred people experience my content its a privilege to be able to support their journey.


  • We work in the world of energy and so ALWAYs set your energetic start before creating any content from your social media posts, to your blogs and vlogs, to your program and workshop content. This doesn’t mean if you are not in the mood, you STOP everything, it means you either CHOOSE to take a 5-10min break and do something to ELEVATE your mood or mindset (my choice is always music) or you keep going with something else and reschedule this creation time to later in the day or week. Notice I didn’t say don’t do it, I said reschedule as CONSISTENT COMMITMENT to your content creation is what will make all the difference.


  • This aim of FREE opportunities to meet in person or online with your community is to start really connecting with new potential clients. Its important to get to know them at a deeper level, to find out more out about them, what makes them tick, what keeps them stuck, what gets them excited, what do they feel they need from you. PLUS getting you more comfortable with your ability as a coach and facilitator,  and having you create content which you can then repurpose and use on your social media, as a lead magnet.






Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


As you step out to be seen, heard and witness in the world in your truth you are going to come face to face with excuses, blame, reasons why you can’t, why its so much harder for you than every one else, why you shouldn’t, don’t want to and of course my favourite “little miss perfectionist.”


WARNING all of these can and will keep you stuck, if you allow them too. PLUS they are showing you that you are actually focused on YOU, rather than your clients and SERVING at the highest level. The moment we judge ourselves, or make our business and creation PERSONAL is often the exact moment we freeze, and/or everything comes tumbling down.


Remember to keep asking daily … “what would LOVE do … how may I BEST SERVE this moment.” This and the steps below will keep you moving forward, no matter what your egoic mind and gremlins are telling you.


To overcome this I want you to stay focused this month on your:


  • Monthly theme – this is created by choosing your soul coaching oracle card for the month. This will keep you heading in the right direction, connected to the messages of your soul in relation to this theme and focused on how best to serve your clients.
  • ONE big rock
  • ONE marketing playtivity above
  • And at a minimum the ONE action step you are going to take daily




  • Blog/Vlog/audio – keep going with your monthly Oracle card blog/vlog writing and posting them up on your website and social media, or storing them for safe keeping until your website is up and ready.


  • Quotes card activity – Pull an oracle card for every week and then I want you to schedule one hour and write down a quote for every day you are going to use on social media. Then using either canva or the wordswag app use a template constant with your brand and create your quote cards.






  • Guest blogging; though media outlets and other people who have a similar ideal client to you but a different offering. I worked closely with personal trainers in the beginning because we had similar clients and could share posts back and forth. SourceBottle is great for this to connect with media too.


  • Patience, consistency and relevance: often when you start out you can feel like you are sharing with no one; building your audience takes time, choose your format and then your consistency (daily, weekly, monthly) then stick to it and keep going. And if you fall off the wagon, recommit again!. Many years back I realised as the corporate work got really busy I stopped connecting with my peeps. So I sent an apology and then recommitted to the Monday Musings every week for nearly 3 years. Remember though as your business changes and evolves you may need to take a step back and review your communication to know what works, what resonates and that none of this is personal. It is either an audience problem i.e you have changed so much that your audience may have too and/or its literally a copy problem with how you are sharing your wisdom.


  • Blog by interviewing other experts and start to feature them online and in your mail outs. Remember ADD VALUE first, research them and their audience and share how you can support their business. Make connection personal and remember its not personal if they say no. People are busy, as i am sure you know and so create a list of potentials and keep going. Stamina when it comes to rejection comes from trying and trying again and if emotions rise always feeling your way through it.


  • Ignite your unique creative spark .. the more authentic, unique and interesting you can be in how you express, deliver and create your content the better. If there is someone you really want to interview imagine sending them a mini gift or soul coaching oracle card in the mail with a letter letting them know how much they inspire you.




  • Joining other Facebook groups and consistently adding value or creating your own Facebook group and yep you guessed it consistently adding amazing value to their lives is a key way to boost your reach.


  • When you are communicating in these groups or any forum, position yourself as the expert. We can all have a feeling of an inner fraud and what i’ve discovered along the way is that we actually know alot more than we give ourselves credit for. Think back 10 years ago to all the things you didn’t know then about coaching, healing and energy and what you might have liked to know and share this.




  • Research local and online networking groups and choose a couple that really resonate with you and also attract your ideal client. Then go to connect, get to know people and as you build this community your natural passion for what you love to do and who you are will shine through. The worse is PUSHing yourself or your energy and services onto people and so don’t be that coach. A friend shared a saying recently about when you meet people where do you shine the torch over your head, or onto the other person. I love this metaphor as I always want everyone I meet to walk away feeling more lite up, joyous and encouraged. Naturally then people want to know what I do and how I’m always so happy so I share from my soul.


  • Offer to talk or speak for free at local events and/or online events. Many of my clients came from me being a part of the Embrace Life Live Life festivals and still to this day I run free workshops and have a trade table at these events. The first every festival I was a part of was scary, I remember it was in a local hall where i grew up and I was healing people out in public. Did a part of me what to quit and not go back on day two, yep but I took a deep breath and focused on love and service and met some amazing new clients and connections from that event.


  • Partnerships and joint workshops are a great way to support your business to grow and expand. And the best bit of meeting likeminded souls at these networking events is that you will realise you are not alone in the craziness of running a business and starting out. In the beginning i was super lonely working for myself and so I joined a local health and wellbeing business group and still have amazing friends and connections from this. Out of this I created our wonderful emba programs with Sarah Anne, an amazing CHEK fitness coach, and our Empowering Teens, with Emma.


  • Volunteer your time … when I started out I volunteered on the Energetically Healing Association committee and not only did this support me to understand our industry better, I was able to provide expert business coaching and strategic advice for them and I met my business partner for our Your Soul Centre, Rebecca too. Bec and I went on to run our Kids Crystal and Angel workshops together and are still divine friends.




  • Come up with an amazing challenge aligned to your clients needs, wants and transformation and then promote, promote, promote, building alot of excitement across all your social channels, your website and inside your Facebook group. The cool part with this is that it can then continue as a freebie opt_in for your website or after the first time you can set up it as a tripwire and charge a small amount for it. It is great way to get yourself out there and building the authentic, I am here to serve you know, like and trust. Remember though as the end we want an offer of them continuing to work with you. You want to know what this is before you start promoting so that you can add little discussion pieces into your challenge.


  • You can even start your reach expansion with something as simple as an email out to everyone you know .. I love this example from Kate Northrup …“I’m starting a blog and I don’t know exactly what it’s going to be about but I know it’s going to be good. Do you want to be on my list? Join here.” When i started out I had to do 20 free crystal healing sessions and so I did an email out to all my friends offering a free session and asking if they wanted to join my energy updates let me know. After all the practice sessions were done I then also asked those who had joined in to share this offer around to colleagues, family and friends at a 50% off price.


  • Having a free gift that you offer on your website and boost social media posts too is a great way to expand your reach. Making sure it is super easy to receive and consume is essential too. The key here is to know a little about your audience first and you can do this by asking questions to friends, family, any of the groups you are a part of and finding out what it is they are most seeking and what keeps them stuck from creating the transformation they want in their lives based on the service you offer. Over the years i’ve offered free meditations, a whole “freebies coaching page;” a 14 Day BEing EXTRAordinary program; boost your confidence quiz; and my You Are enough meditations.




  • One of the greatest ways I expanded my business was taking time out to look through the lens of my clients. I did a Soul Journey for this and what I discovered was it took alot of courage and overcoming of fear for clients to come and see a Soul Coach and Healer. So what did I do … after spending tens of thousands of dollars designing a healing centre hehehe I rewrote all my content and took myself back onto corporate and went to them instead. You see when we move beyond what is easiest for me, and the excuses we give ourselves as to why things wont work or why running a business is hard our infinite soul has so much wisdom to share. And when we listen, and take action, the doors of opportunity magically open before us. You do have to be willing to knock though and then when the door opens say YES and step on through.