Dare to be different




Magical, Magical “I’m Gonna Change My Life” Monday …



To become great … to be great … to live liberated in our greatness, WE MUST do something differently.



So what are you waiting for?!



Let’s love you like I do, and be courageous enough to do something, anything this week differently … and of course choose something that aligns you more fully with your highest dreams and values, and your not so “secret” greatest life that I know lies inside your heart!



This weeks inspirational song: stop waiting, set a new pace and love you like you do!
Love Me Like You Do, Ellie Goulding
Spotify Link  /  YouTube Link



Enjoy … I can feel you coming alive even more already xxx




Wishing you a magical, playful, soulFULL week, Immense LOVE, Kyla xx



© 2014 Gunther Hang All Rights Reserved

Speaker, Soul Coach & Facilitator of Transformation.

Visit: www.kylatustin.com

Email: kyla@kylatustin.com
Like: https://www.facebook.com/ilovelife.com.au/

Chat: 0419 222 592





PS. DONT FORGET as you are all in my VEP (very EXTRAordinary people) gang I am offering you exclusive free access to the first group meditation this Tuesday 31st May 7.30-8.30pm and so register and receive the link to the zoom hangout CLICK HERE.   And I cant wait to see you all and PLAY in this new and exciting realm with you.

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