Kyla Tustin, Soul Coaching


Aaaahhh serendipity is in the air this week ….


I don’t know about you but the word serendipity gets my heart fluttering and my soul very very excited indeed.


So what really is Serendipity … well our friend Wikipedia defines it as the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way …

I’m curious … what if this week you invited in this very special and magical friend, and chose to stay fully present to the potential appearance of a “serendipity doo dar” moment arriving in your day.


The energies have been pretty massive, crazy and huge of late and my recommendation at these times is to relax a little, have some fun, dip your toes into some playfulness and invite the innocence and magical moments to return ..


Wish© 2014 Gunther Hang All Rights Reserveding you a serendipitous week filled with greatness.

Much love and embrace, Kyla



fearless focus





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