2025: The Year of the Snake and Your Transformation
I don’t know about you, but after the chaos of 2024, I was ready to welcome 2025 with arms wide open. A new year, a clean slate, and endless possibilities, right? It felt like the perfect opportunity to step into a new chapter, lighter and freer.
But here’s the thing about expectations—they can trip us up, leaving us frustrated when life doesn’t unfold the way we imagined.
By January 2nd, life gave me one of those not-so-gentle nudges. After weeks of social celebrations, intense work hours, and maybe one too many Tommy’s margaritas, I woke up to find my voice was gone. By the afternoon, my body had fully joined the rebellion—nothing stayed down. For three days, I lay in bed, alternating between feeling sorry for myself and having these moments of deep reflection.
You see, despite all my good intentions, there were habits I’d let slip. My meditation practice was sporadic, my journal lay untouched, and the suitcase from my September trip was still sitting there, mocking me. I’d avoided the storage unit holding so many of the things I love, and while I adored the social connections in December, they came with more alcohol and late nights than my body could handle.
Don’t get me wrong—I’m not about to swing back to my spiritual puritan phase. Been there, done that. I love celebrating life, but I also know my body thrives when I honour its signals. And by January 2nd, those signals were loud and clear: It’s time to let go. Time to shed the old skin.
The snake has been a symbol of transformation for centuries, and in 2025, the Year of the Snake, its wisdom feels particularly powerful. When a snake’s skin becomes too tight, it sheds. The process can’t be rushed, nor can it be avoided. The old skin must go, and in its place, something fresh and vibrant emerges.
We humans are not so different. When life feels tight—when our habits, beliefs, or routines no longer fit—we’re being called to shed. But unlike the snake, we often resist. We cling to what’s familiar, even when it no longer serves us.
For me, those three days of purging were a forced pause, a chance to reassess what I wanted from the year ahead. By the time I started to feel better, I knew it was time to take action. I went to my storage unit, dug out my sacred tools (and, yes, practical things like pots and pans), and rearranged my apartment. For the first time in months, it felt like home again.
The Stages of Shedding – A Guide for Your Mini Reset
The snake’s shedding process isn’t just symbolic—it’s a roadmap for transformation. Here’s how you can embrace its stages and create your own mini-reset for the year ahead:
The Tightness – Feeling the Call to Change
The snake’s skin becomes too tight, signalling that it’s time to grow. For me, the tightness showed up as disconnection, clutter, and a body crying out for rest. - Your Playtivity: Take a moment to reflect. Where are you feeling stuck or restless? Write it down—no judgement, just awareness.
Going into Solitude – The Inner Work Begins
Before shedding, the snake retreats to a quiet space. My three days in bed were my unplanned solitude, but they forced me to turn inward. - Your Playtivity: Create a retreat for yourself. Light a candle, make tea, and ask: What am I ready to let go of? What do I want to create?
Rubbing Against Resistance – Breaking Free
The snake rubs against rough surfaces to break the old skin. For me, this was tackling the storage unit and finally clearing space in my home. - Your Playtivity: Choose one thing you’ve been avoiding. Take a small step—it’s in the resistance that breakthroughs begin.
Shedding the Skin – The Release
The snake wriggles until its old skin is gone. I felt this release when my apartment was clear, my journal open, and I could breathe again. - Your Playtivity: Symbolically release something. Clean out a drawer, delete old files, or burn limiting beliefs you’ve written down.
Emerging Renewed – Stepping Into the New
With fresh skin, the snake emerges vibrant and ready for growth. This was my reset moment—a space and mindset ready for 2025.- Your Playtivity: Celebrate your progress. Set an intention for this next phase of your journey, and honour the shifts you’ve made.
The thing about transformation is that it can’t be rushed. The timing unfolds as it needs to, whether gently or with a shove. Be patient and kind with yourself as you navigate the process.
Could I have avoided my January purge by making different choices in December? Maybe. But the reality is, everything happened exactly as it needed to. That pause gave me the clarity and momentum I needed to step into this year with intention.
So, as we embrace the Year of the Snake, I invite you to shed what no longer fits. Use the stages of shedding as your guide, and let this year be the one where you return to your truest self.
Because here’s the truth: transformation isn’t about becoming someone new. It’s about rediscovering who you’ve been all along.
Let’s shed those old skins together. One layer at a time.
Your greatest raving fan, until you are, Kyla.