Soul Coach, Kyla Tustin

Happy Monday Empowered Peeps

Well, well, well … I celebrated my 37th birthday yesterday and am now another delightful year older and definitely feeling a lot wiser, which I guess is lucky given this is the point to all that I am and all that I share.

It quite interesting really when I reflect on the year thats been, its definitely one of the most tremendous involutions and evolutions I have experienced, both personally, professionally and of course spiritually. Truly acting from my heart (no matter how crazy and irrational it may seem), learning to let go on levels greater than I could ever imagined and surrendering to the natural flow of life and love have been major themes along the way. What I see now is that it has really given me the opportunity to delve deeply into what I truly believe, without caring what other people think or the fear of needing to be accepted by anyone other than me. And i’m not going to lie, though freaking scary at times its a nice place to be again, like another layer of remembering even more of who I am.

Some of you may have heard about these super powered energies about to enter the earth in September (yep thats tomorrow CLICK here for more info from Simone Matthews on it.) And I think this is one of the reasons I’ve experienced so much change and transformation. I actually feel like I have been energetically preparing for this for the last 6 months and so all I will say is together let’s get prepared for the ride of our life. These energies are all about expansion and contraction … which, well we get to choose!!!

Like any roller coaster ride we can hold on as tight as possible, constricting our energy and focused on fear as we scream our lungs out the whole way (which will still get us to the same destination). Or we can let go, lift up our arms, look up, breathe in the beauty around us, connect with like minded souls on the ride with us, choose to be fully present to this moment and surrender to the ups the downs as we welcome the excitement in our hearts and jittering in our belly.

Often what I see, and hear, a lot of at the moment is people putting off their inward journey, believing it to be a “luxury” and instead focusing on the challenges in their outward journey, which often just brings even more distractions, stresses, and a focus on what is wrong and the people we can’t change. This avoidance of going inwards is totally normal along the way, hell I’ve been there many times, however we have to remember, change comes from within and we are totally deserving of the joy, love and peacefulness that we seek. This avoidance to reconnect, is actually a welcoming of the disconnect and even greater distractions, its like a trap, an ongoing empowering of disempowerment, hence the fear, doubt, and disillusion that comes with it. The opposite of this I am blessed to see and feel every time a client leaves my room, its like a reconnection occurs so effortlessly when we finally take the time. Its a peacefulness, a trusting of life, a deep belief in who we are and why we are here and a desire to BEcome the greatness that lies inside of our hearts.

Its time for us all to go back to energetic basics and be prepared, from a place of love of course. As these waves of energies join us anything that has been contracting our energy or we have been avoiding, denying, ignoring, hiding or trying to put off will rise to the surface for the clearing. And in the end, after the storm has passed I promise you, we will be grateful for this clearing out of our inner closets so that we can sit back and enjoy the smooth sailing of these energetic inflows as you expand into all that I know you can BE.

Life isn’t actually meant to be hard, we just think it is and so create it this way.

Just to be clear, if you feel like you have been waiting for positive change to occur and wishing that your life or the world was different well I’m here to tell you this just isn’t going to cut it anymore. We are in a time of accountability, of letting go of looking backwards and forwards to choose to BE HERE NOW, we need to choose our reality, and then act from this place. This includes what we watch, eat, talk about, think about and spend time engaging in and its not about “perfect” its about being authentic and having a fine tuned “awareness” and trusting, knowing and feeling what is right for you right now. Each moment we put off a dream, a desire, a passion, a love, till tomorrow or even next week, we are putting off the most spectacular masterpiece, we are actually putting off our joy, our passion and our most EXTRAordinary life.

So now over to you amazing empowered soul … What life are you choosing right now????? Is there anything you been putting off???

It is time to make that courageous choice and choose YOU, and know I am right by your side cheering you on and here to support in anyway that I can.

Immense love, Kyla

PS. If you physical is in need to some FLO to support your expansion and fill your cup of love … then come and play with us on Sunday 20th September as we unwind, strengthen and relax with myself and Mandy from Flo Pilates. These sessions are amazing and book out so be sure to check out the Facebook link here.

PPS. Watch this space because our soulsational The Sacred Circle spiritual development group as it is on it way back in, refreshed, recharged and full of new excitement. I will be sending updates out very very soon.


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