Sssshhhh, can you hear it …. you need to be really, really quiet, and even more present!
its love and its already inside of you.
On a day when many are celebrating the love of another (which is all great as well), lets take a very mini musing moment and celebrate you and all you are already.
Say it with me “I am love and today I choose to look through the eyes and speak through the words of already BEing love, all day.”
Yesterday I went to the shops and purchased myself the most beautiful bunch of lily’s and a card for Tobbe. The lady serving me asked me if I was buying the flowers for Valentines Day because my partner doesn’t buy them for me. To which I responded “no, I just LOVE celebrating me and it makes me super happy to buy myself flowers and be reminded of the beauty of life.” She of course looked at me like I was totally bonkers, but thats the end game of super powered crazy love. Loving myself so much it doesn’t matter if others think I am bonkers, and I must say I do love my crazy mad hatter bonkers these days.
In saying all this, many years ago I did often wish that Tobbe would buy me flowers more, until I realised just how silly I was being and that I could make it a Kyla celebration day everyday.
You see I realised that we seek outwards what is often missing inwards. So if today feels like something is missing, I would encourage you to BE your own valentine and every hour remind yourself “you are so awesome, gee I love you.” And if it feels weird and silly, you are right on track and so keep practising. I am by no means perfect at this and still get busy and stressed and forget sometimes how important being kind to me is. And when I return to my centre, so does the bliss, and I am reminded within the chaos I always know “I am love” and no one can change this, take this away or steal the thunder of my crazy bonkers.
May you enJOY being in love with you, today.
Much love and mastery my valentine days muse,
Transformational Speaker, Soul Coach & Facilitator of EXTRAordinary Change
Extraordinarily Life Changing
Located at Your Soul Centre, Mosman
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PS. If feeling and knowing that “LOVE IS ENOUGH and YOU ARE LOVE which means YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH” is part of your presence and mastery desire this year then I am here to help. THIS WEEKEND ONLY I am offering a very special personalised oracle card reading, energy healing, block dissolving and “Intuitive Self LOVE making” grid and kit to be received remotely as you sleep next week for $37. I only have space for 7 people and so if you are interested REPLY here and I look forward to sharing this miraculous soul cleansing and loving journey with you