My #THX2U Challenge
Let the challenge begin … in my posts I will be sharing with you my 365 Days #THX2U I will be pouring my heart and soul into each one and feel immensely blessed and grateful to be taking this journey with such an amazing and supportive community right alongside me.
And if you are joining here for the first time and not sure what this #THX2U is all about … click here for everything you need to know and to join the challenge of a lifetime.
My first and most important #THX2U goes to my amazing partner Tobias … he is forever my teacher, best friend, lover, CEO and my journey feels complete with him by my side. I am forever grateful that the universe brought us together, that we have worked hard to BEcome even more of ourselves together and that our honesty, love and connection grows daily. Many people think an EXTRAordinary relationship is luck, I know its love, kindness, respect, commitment, openness, authentic communication, a willingness to always look inside rather than blame and complain, and a beautiful growing and development of two souls willing to be in a union together. I am not the young party girl he met 13 years ago, thank goodness, and he is not the shy Swedish bartender and we have accepted the changes in both of us along the way … we have grown into more of ourselves and no matter what loved each other along the way and for this I will forever be grateful and thankful.
Day 2 I can’t go past a shout out to my most amazing and fiercely proud Nana, Margaret Knight. I am so honoured to be a Knight and the moments we connect and she shares stories of her life with me mean more than words. Love you Nana ….