Kyla Tustin, Soul Coach

Dearest, dearest amazing soul …


Wow what a week we had on the stormy shores of Sydney and beyond … could you feel it clearing you on the inside as well????


Yep with all this wind and rain our heart charka and sacral will have had the opportunity to embrace an almighty cleansing. The magic is its now its time to decide (and even for those of your that don’t live in NSW the impact of Mother Earth clearing will be very wide felt) … what’s next??


So our musing for this very special Monday begins at the beginning … a returning to you I’m going to call it, as it feels like this is exactly the opportunity we have been handed to us.


As we take a moment to pause together “aaaahhh” now breath let’s pose a magical equation to our soul … if my heart is now clear and free. And I am open to create all that I can BE, who will I choose to BE???


Now Clear + Free = Who do I choose to BE


Remember after a massive inner cleansing like this we can quite easily return to the way things use to BE, the patterns, conditioning and misbeliefs that no longer serve us but theres no FUN in that … so lets imagine instead the truest, most magical, most heart opened YOU and how you can nurture and nourish this you to ensure as the weeds have been cleared she or he grows and grows and grows as the sunlight returns.


© 2014 Gunther Hang All Rights ReservedImmense, immense, magical love coming your way ….

Transformational Speaker, Soul Coach & Facilitator of EXTRAordinary Change
Call me: 0419 222 592
Email me:


PS … its that very very special time of the year again when we will be hitting the North Shore and spreading our “Embrace Life” festival excitement and LOVE.

Keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of weeks as I share the release of a BRAND NEW workshop and so much magic and transformation to be CREATEd on the day.

CLICK HERE or on the image below to JOIN the event and find more information on all the amazing wellness practitioners, art and music going to be shared on the day.


embrace life

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