Kyla Tustin, Soul Coach and Speaker


What I see so often are EXTRAordinary souls sad, deflated, anxious, or depressed even because they can’t find or don’t know their purpose … how do I know this, because that use to be me. Always questioning “is this right, is this my purpose, have I found it yet???” and guess what I found!!!! The answers to this questions are not outside, and are definitely not in a job.


What if your purpose is simply to BE the uniqueness of you? To honour your values and LIVE in alignment ….


And most importantly to learn to completely love this YOU in the process … then what magically happens as you reconnect to the real you; the noisy voice of doubt starts to dissolve and all you desire to DO and have, or the how, will begin to show up the more open you are to all of you.


Could it really be that simple I hear you saying, yes, yes it can and if you don’t believe me, why not just try it??? Ill leave it with you to ponder this week awareness this week as you take remarkable care of yourself and in each miracle moment of your day your mantra becomes “seriously how did I get to BE this awesome …”


© 2014 Gunther Hang All Rights ReservedImmense, immense, magical love coming your way ….

because you are so darn awesome,



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