Vision Boards, Manifestation, Kyla tustin, Soul Coach

Well can you believe its May … wowsers this year is flying and you know what that means yep nearly two months have passed (or nearly 3 if we met in December) since you created and anchored your visions.

I ran a Vision board workshop for Apple last week which was so much fun and it got me thinking about just how quiet most of you have been since we caught up, I have heard a few whispers of success along the way which is always super exciting. No doubt you are all busily scheduling in time to meditate on your vision, to “act as if” and to action your vision however just in case I thought I would pop in for a little pep talk to ensure you haven’t fallen off the vision train and need a little inspiration.

Remember ,,, “A vision or goal without action is just a wish” … even though wishes can come true you have much more certainty if you pull your finger out and start taking steps in the direction of your dreams.

I just read an article which mentioned that in a five year study of the daily habits of 233 wealthy and 128 poor people it showed that “what we do with our vision boards and our time” will determine if we fail or succeed.

As my passion is to inspire ALL who create a vision to LIVE and CREATE it I thought you might enJOY a couple of tips to get and keep you on the pathway to success ….

Top Tips …..

  • NO.1 if you feel you are flowing nicely with your year and vision already LETs CELEBRATE …. woo hooo for you.
  • Take a look at the 5C’s of Creating Change attached as this might give you a few ideas on what steps you need to action.
  • Schedule some time to review your vision this week and note down some action steps you need to take, ensure these are practical as we dont want to set yourself up for failure. Being faithful with the small is a beautiful recipe for success with your vision.
  • Next diarise and set reminders to take your action steps e.g. Toby and I are off to do the Milford Sounds in April and so we just created a 40day fitness regime to get up ready, set, go and we can now tick off every session along the way. This supports us to celebrate successes and stay on track as life can easily get in the way.
  • Tell anyone and everyone … the more you speak about your vision, plans and actions the more accountable you are and with accountability comes commitment.
  • Enjoy the recorded meditations along the way
  • Everyday remind yourself you were “born to be great” and inside you there is a magnificent masterpiece ready to be created and added to everyday which the world needs to see more of xxx

If you are having trouble with where to start, are feeling stuck or just feel like a dose of Kyla motivation and inspiration then give me a call and we can book in a Breakthrough Session specifically to get you on track, clear the pathway of any debris and to create massive exciting change and progress in your life this year.

I am also feeling a bit inspired to create a “Magical Month of March (or maybe May) Manifestation Workshop” as a follow up session for everyone who attended the vision board workshops as a way of igniting even more energy into your vision and so let me know if this is something you might be interested in and I will pop your name down… at this stage I am looking at Sunday the 30th for half a day. .. I get the feeling there might be some “Manifestation Mojo” essence involved in this one too.

I am really looking forward to hearing of some of the successes you are already having in 2014 … I know mine has been MASSIVE already and I can’t wait to see where the ride of this amazing and powerful Year of the Horse takes us all to.

Much love and visioning creation … Kyla xxx

5 C's of Creating Change

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